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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 458
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Effect of selected maternal parameters on anthropometry of newborn from selected medical officers of health divisions of Jaffna district Sri LankaYoganathan, T.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Hettiarachchi, M.; Liyanage, C.
2016Wealth inequality of the households: is it an influential factor on nutritional status of children in Jaffna district.Kandeepan, K.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2014Dietary iron intake and iron deficiency anaemia: a cross sectional study of children aged one to five years in Jaffna districtKandeepan, K.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2016The study on thyroid status among newborns in Jaffna District in Sri LankaYoganathan, T.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Hettiarachchi, M.; Liyanage, C.
2016Nutritional status and food insecurity among the children in Northern Sri LankaKandeepan, K.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai
2014Total phenolic content in aqueous extracts of terminalia chebula stored in different temperatureKumutharanjan, T.; Ramaiah, S.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2015Effect of storage temperature on the phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of "Phyllanthus emblica"fruitsKumutharanjan, T.; Ramaiah, S.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2016Antioxidant activity in aqueous extracts of Mathumeha chooranam stored for six months at room temperature and at 4oCKumutharanjan, T.; Ramaiah, S.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2015Antioxidant Activity in Aqueous Extracts of Powdered Terminalia chebula Seed Skin Stored for Six Months at Room Temperature and at 4oCKumutharanjan, T.; Ramaiah, S.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2015Association Between Thyroid Status and Lipid Levels Among Pregnant Women in Jaffna DistrictYoganathan, T.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Hettiarachchi, M.; Liyanage, C.
2016Antioxidant activity in aqueous extracts of fruit of Phyllanthus emblica stored for six months in different storage conditionKumutharanjan, T.; Sivakanesan, R.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2016Comparative study on nutrient composition of various methods of parboiled and non-parboiled rice from Sri LankaDarsana, P.; Prabhaharan, M.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai
2015Prevalence and factors associated with metabolic syndrome among Tamils aged over 18 years in Jaffna district, Sri LankaSivarathy, A.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2014Baker’s yeast biomass production with rice as carbon and soy meal as nitrogen sourcesKeturah, Inparuban; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2014Purification of xylanase produced by Bacillus pumilusKapilan, R.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2014Enhanced production of ethanol by high gravity glucose fermentation at temperatures above 40 oC by Saccharomyces cerevisiae S1 using a soya flour supplemented mediumBalakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2014Paddy husk support for large scale solid state production and, extraction and stabilization of glucoamylaseArasaratnam, Vasanthy; Ketheeswary, Nithiyanantharajah
2014Effect of processing time on resistant starch content of selected cooked tubersBavaneethan, Y.; Vasantharuba, S.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Thayananthan, K.
2014Effect of different processing methods on antioxidant and total phenol content of selected vegetablesMythini, S.; Vasantharuba, S.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Sritharan, K.
2014Purification of xylanase from Bacillus pumilus and it's characterizationSubajini, M.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 458