Browsing by Author Arasaratnam, Vasanthy

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 454  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Abilities of Triglyceride-Glucose-Body Mass Index and Triglyceride-Glucose-Index to Identify Dyslipidemia among the Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Attending Teaching Hospital, Jaffna, Sri LankaBalendrarajah, K.; Vijayakumar, G.; Viveka, M.; Muhunthan, K.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2023The ability of Waist -Triglyceride Index to Identify Metabolic Syndrome among Adults from JaffnaParamanathan, T.; Kumanan, T.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2023The ability of Waist -Triglyceride Index to Identify Metabolic Syndrome among Adults from JaffnaParamanathan, T.; Kumanan, T.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
1995Abnormalities in lipid metabolism with heroin addictionBalasubramaniam, K.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Somasundram, N.P.; Mahesparan, R.
1994Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages from corn maltMahendran, S.; Ketheeswary, Nithiyanantharajah; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Balasubramaniam, K.
2012Alteration of selected biochemical parameters in thin adolescents in G.C.E (A/L) students of national and provincial schools in Jaffna educational zoneMuhunthan, T.; Nitharshan, T.; Sritharan, K.; Ketheeswary, Nithiyanantharajah; Kandeepan, K.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2010Analysis of the constituent of the ice creams sold in Jaffna municipality areaPonnampalam, B.; Sritharan, K.; Vasantharuba, V.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2024Anthropometric indices effect on diabetes & pre-diabetes of polycystic ovarian syndrome women treated at Teaching Hospital JaffnaVijayakumar, G.; Viveka, M.; Balendrarajah, K.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Muhunthan, K.; Aranraj, T.
2024Anthropometric indices of late adolescents in Kopay Medical Officer of Health (MOH) area, Jaffna districtSivakaran, M.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Surenthirakumaran, R.
2002Anti-microbial activity of Betel leavesNishanthan, T.; Ketheeswary, Nithiyanantharajah; Senthuran, A.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2001Anti-microbial activity of different palmyrah productsSenthuran, A.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Kamalatheepan, S.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Balasubramaniam, K.
2002Anti-microbial activity of different parts of Neem treeJayachakaran, P.; Sritharan, K.; Senthuran, A.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
1999Antibiotic sensitivity of different salmonella strains isolated from the patients admitted to Jaffna teaching hospitalSoloman, C.; Anantharajah, S.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2010Antimicrobial effect of palmyrah root tuber from different areas of Jaffna peninsulaVinayagamoorthy, V.; Thayananthan, K.; Vasantharuba, S.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2016Antioxidant activity in aqueous extracts of fruit of Phyllanthus emblica stored for six months in different storage conditionKumutharanjan, T.; Sivakanesan, R.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2016Antioxidant activity in aqueous extracts of fruit of Phyllanthus Emblica stored for six months in different storage conditionsKumutharanjan, T.; Sivaganesan, R.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2016Antioxidant activity in aqueous extracts of Mathumeha chooranam stored for six months at room temperature and at 4oCKumutharanjan, T.; Ramaiah, S.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2016Antioxidant activity in aqueous extracts of Mathumeha Chooranam stored for six months at room temperature and at 4oC.Kumutharanjan, T.; Sivaganesan, R.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2017Antioxidant activity in aqueous extracts of powder of Mathumeha Chooranam and its ingredients at room temperature by using ferric reduction methodKumutharanjan, T.; Sivaganesan, R.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2015Antioxidant Activity in Aqueous Extracts of Powdered Terminalia chebula Seed Skin Stored for Six Months at Room Temperature and at 4oCKumutharanjan, T.; Ramaiah, S.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy