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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 334
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Characteristics of patients with diabetes mellitus on first presentation to the Diabetic Center in Teaching Hospital JaffnaSirin, K.M.; Sanfa, S.K.; Jahan, N.R.; Imesh, L.P.M.; Coonghe, PAD; Aravinthan, M.
2022The influence of health care related and socioeconomic factors on treatment adherence of end-stage renal disease patients at Teaching Hospital JaffnaFernando, J.R.K.; Sivasenthuran, S.; Umayal, S.; Vijayatharan, V.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Bavanthan, V.
2022The association of sociodemographic and health-related factors with the pattern of tuberculosis among newly diagnosed patients at Chest Clinic JaffnaJayawickrama, R.A.P.U.; Thesavan, R.; Bavashankary, S.; Sibisha, N.; Madushanka, W.I.J.; Coonghe, PAD; Athavan, M.
2022Control of diabetes mellitus and association of socio-demographic factors and knowledge of diabetes among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients attending the Diabetic Centre, Teaching Hospital JaffnaPiranavan, K.; Brakaasini, T.; Jayasundara, H.D.; Balajeevan, B.; Lakmini, R.A.D.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Aravinthan, M.
2022Distribution and determinants of chronic kidney disease among patients treated in Teaching Hospital JaffnaGowthaman, S.; Mayurika, M.; Aaqila, U.; Navaraj, S.; Miriyagalla, C.K.; Kesavan, R.; Peranantharajah, T.
2022Patients with hypothyroidism attending the Endocrine Clinic in Teaching Hospital Jaffna: Patient characteristics, adherence to management and associated factorsFasna, M.F.F.; Vineeba, S.; Shashika Lakshan, W.A.; Azka, M.N.A.; Rathnayake, P.N.; Aravinthan, M.; Kumarendran, B.
2022Lung metastases in patients with head and neck cancers in northern Sri Lanka: a retrospective analysisSohana, S.; Athithya, J.; Thulasihan, N.; Ekanayaka, E.M.T.W.P.D.K.; Fernando, K.H.S.N.R.; Kumar, R.; Rajasooriyar, C.
2022Prevalence of atrial fibrillation in Northern Sri Lanka: a study protocol for a cross-sectional household surveyShribavan, Kanesamoorthy; Antony Sheron, Vethanayagam; Powsiga, Uruthirakumar; Chamira, Kodippily; Kumarendran, B.; Gooden, Tiffany, E.; Thomas, Graham Neil; Nirantharakuma, Krishnarajah; Gregory, Y H Lip; Guruparan, M.; Haniffa, Rashan; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Beane, Abi; Kumaran, S.
2022Maternal factors associated with low birth weight among deliveries registered in 2020 in t he Nallur Medical Officer of Health, Sri LankaCoonghe, PAD; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Kumarendran, B.; Kesavan, R.; Muhunthan, K.; Umasankar, N.; Pearce, N.; Nithyananda, S.; Lawlor, D.A.; Sivaganesh, S.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Sasrubi, S.
2022How patients who refused radiotherapy in northern Sri Lanka understand radiation as a treatment modality for cancerJeyasuthan, M.; Ramalingam, A.; Shobikgha, S.; Kumar, R.; Rajasooriyar, C.
2022Knowledge on road traffic regulations and influence of selected sociodemographic and personal factors on the knowledge among the A/L students in Jaffna educational divisionAnfas, M.J.M.; Kamalarupan, L.; Coonghe, PAD
2022Knowledge and dispensing practice on over the counter drugs and associated factors on them among the superintendent pharmacists in JaffnaAjanthan, H. A.A.; Kalki, P.; Coonghe, PAD
2022Knowledge and practice on self-medication with prescription-only medicines among Allied Health Sciences students at the University of JaffnaWanasundara, W.A.A.M.; Zahra, M.F.F.; Coonghe, PAD
2022Knowledge and practices on prevention of COVID-19 among nursing students in the Jaffna districtDeivy, Thabotharan; Coonghe, PAD; Pathirana, H.P.Y.C.
2022Practice on the herbal usage and associated factors among hypertensive patients at the Teaching hospital, Jaffna, Sri LankaBandara, A.G.D.I.; Thuvaragan, S.; Guruparan, M.; Surenthirakumaran, R.
2021Trend and pattern and the influence of socio demographic factors on the trend and pattern of cancers reported to Histopathology unit, Teaching Hospital JaffnaLakchani, J.A.M.; Imran, K.R.M.; Jabeen, M.M.S.; Sahir, M.S.M.; Rajapaksha, R.M.L.D.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Thanenthiran, A.J.
2021Factors associated with the patients’ attitudes towards medical students’ involvement in patient care among inward patients in the medical wards of Teaching Hospital JaffnaVaishnavi, T.; Sathurvethan, P.; Pavithra, M.; Viduranga, M.N.; Dayarathne, P.W.M.J.C.; Murali, V.; Sivakanthan, S.; Sivansuthan, S.
2021Menstrual hygiene management practices and associated factors among women in medical wards of Teaching Hospital JaffnaSubithirah, S.; Thulasithasan, S.; Janooya, P.; Thushyanthini, K.; Senarathne, H.M.M.H.; Kumarendran, B.; Sujanitha, Vathulan
2021Knowledge on postpartum contraception and associated factors among antenatal women admitted to the obstetric wards in the Teaching Hospital JaffnaRifka Banu, A.A.; Anujan, M.; Sajitha, M.S.F.; Shanthatharany, S.; Weerasinghe, K.S.S.; Kumarendran, B.; Sritharan, A.
2022Cardiovascular Health and Atrial Fibrillation or Flutter: A Cross Sectional Study from ELSA-BrasilSantos, I.S; NIHR Global Health Research Group; Kumarendran, B.; Kumaran, S.; Surenthirakumaran, R.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 334