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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 334
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Obstructive sleep apnea and associated factors among individuals above the age of 50 years in Northern Province, Sri LankaPowsiga, U.; Sheron, V.A.; Kaneshamoorthy, S.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Kumarendran, B.; Guruparan, M.; Lip, G.Y.H.; Thomas, G.N.; Nirantharakumar, K.; Gooden, T.E.; Haniffa, R.; Beane, A.; Kodippily, C.; Kumaran, S.
2021Knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to blood donation in a selected population in JaffnaZiyard, S.; Amarasingam, S.; Sangaralingam, K.; Gamage, P.K.H.R.A.; Sosai, S.T.; Kumar, R.; Seneviratne, D.; Sooriyakumar, T.
2021Knowledge, attitude, and practice on school based sexual and reproductive education among teachers, in Jaffna Educational Zone, JaffnaJayasinghe, J.M.M.C.; Thabotharan, Deivy; Nithlavarnan, A.
2021The relationship between peri-menopausal symptoms, sociodemographic factors, and health-related quality of life during menopausal transition among Jaffna Zonal Education school teachersAravinthan, S.; Rinothja, R.; Panuwaran, R.; Shashikala, P.T.K.; Savitha, K.; Coonghe, PAD; Bavani, G.
2021Prevalence of nasal carriage of staphylococcus aureus and its antimicrobial resistance pattern in patients on hemodialysis, at Hemodialysis Unit, Teaching Hospital JaffnaJayawardana, A.P.; Gnanakarunyan, T.J.; Ramachandran, R.; Coonghe, PAD; Thangarajah, B.R.
2021Prevalence and antibiotic sensitivity pattern of selected pathogenic bacteria in the sputum of patients with non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis attending Respiratory Clinic, Teaching Hospital JaffnaAttanayaka, H.R.Y.; Gnanakarunyan, T.J.; Coonghe, PAD; Ramachandran, R.; Athavan, M.
2021Comparative analysis of total cholesterol POCT device and standard enzymatic method for total cholesterol measurement among healthy adults at Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of JaffnaIshani, H.M.L.; Sivakumar, H.; Coonghe, PAD
2021Medication adherence to Metered dose inhalers and associated factors among Asthma patients in Teaching Hospital JaffnaJayakumar, S.; Thuvaragan, S.; Surenthirakumaran, R.
2021COVID-19 infection prevention and control practices and associated factors among nurses at National institute of infectious diseases hospital, Sri LankaLuxman, K.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Jegapragash, V.; Nivetha, K.
2021Exclusive breastfeeding rate and associated factors among mothers attending Child Welfare Clinics in Jaffna Municipal Council MOH areaYathushan, V.; Dinoshiga, K.; Suhirthan, N.; Seerdini, K.; Udenaka, DMT; Rajeev, G.; Kumarendran, B.
2021Knowledge on Autism among mothers of Kopay Medical Officer of Health area during their first year of motherhoodPriyatharsan, K.; Sansiya, T.; Sinthuja, R.; Gamage, K.G.D.N.; Keerthana, K.; Coonghe, PAD
2021Patient satisfaction and associated factors among type 2 diabetics at Primary Care Unit, Thirunelveli and Family Health Centre, KondavilAnandarajah, L.; Ediriweera, N.C.; Herath, A.H.M.A.N.; Jothini, T.; Raveendranathan, S.; Kumar, R.; Kumaran, S.; Yoheswaran, Y.
2021Knowledge and practice on generic medicine substitution and association of selected factors among private community pharmacists in the Jaffna districtNishad, B.M.; Thuvaragan, S.; Coonghe, PAD
2021Knowledge and practice regarding prevention and management of anaemia and influence of socio-demographic factors among antenatal mothers in Nallur MOH DivisionAhamed, M.I.A.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Thabotharan, Deivy; Nivetha, K.
2021Medication adherence and influence of selected factors on it among the diabetes mellitus patients attending to Diabetic Clinic at Teaching Hospital JaffnaWijethunga, P.M.D.G.; Thuvaragan, S.; Coonghe, PAD
2021Development of pictograms regarding medication use and lifestyle modification for diabetic patients in Teaching Hospital JaffnaJeyaraman, R.; Thuvaragan, S.; Surenthirakumaran, R.
2021Participation in extracurricular activities and associated factors among students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of JaffnaMathuvanthi, T.; Keerthiga, U.; Majure, K.; Mahinthan, C.; Priyamantha, H.; Kumar, R.; Sathiadas, M.G.
2021Prevalence, pattern, and influence of socio-demographic and psychosocial factors on self-medication among medical students of Faculty of Medicine, University of JaffnaPerera, M.A.D.N.; Hadha, N.N.; Pathima sarma, M.N.; Mathusuya, S.; Rifan, M.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Kumaran, S.
2021Migraine and its associated factors, self-reported triggers, and impact among students of Faculty of Medicine, University of JaffnaThushyanthi, V.; Vithyasahar, S.; Jayasuriya, J.A.D.S.N.; Samlath, A.H.F.; Dhananjaya, A.B.; Kumar, R.; Arasalingam, A.
2022Food environments and obesity: a geospatial analysis of the South Asia Biobank, income and sex inequalitiesAtanasova, Petya; Kusuma, Dian; Pineda, Elisa; Anjana, Ranjit Mohan; De Silva, Laksara; Kumarendran, B.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 334