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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 201 to 220 of 334
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020The Instruction manual of getting school communities ready for preventing the spread of COVID-19Coonghe, PAD; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Nithiyananda, S.; Pieris, S.T.; Sasrubi, S.; Radika, Sivakumaran
2020Community engagement and involvement in research: a local experiencesSurenthirakumaran, R.; Kumaran, S.; Shribavan, K.; Shanmuganathan, Y.
2020Prevalence and influencing factors of BMI and effect of school based intervention among the grade 8 school children in Jaffna districtSurenthirakumaran, R.; Coonghe, PAD; Kumaran, S.
2020Association of availability of healthcare resources and training provided for PHMs on cervical screening coverage in Jaffna districtSanthirakanth, S.; Hetharany, M.; Wijeweera, K.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Rajeev, G.
2020Significant incidence of braf p.V600E mutations in esophageal cancer sets the stage for potential use of tyrosine kinase inhibitorsRajasooriyar, C.; Moorthy, T.; Ranatunge, N.; Ginige, A.; Surenthirakumaran, R.
2020Association selected factors on perceived quality of care provided for the inward patients at type a base hospitals in jaffna districtThileepan, P.; Surenthirakumaran, R.
2020Community-based geriatric care by the family health centre Kondavil, University of Jaffna- a case studySubunca, R.; Kumaran, S.; Gobith, R.; Karunalingam; Rubavinoth, K.
2020Community-Oriented primary care in kondavil- a case reportNadaraja, Prabu; Kumaran, S.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Coonghe, PAD; Rubavinoth, K.; Subunca, R.
2020Awareness and knowledge on human papillomavirus vaccination among grade six female students in the nallur education divisionYoganathan, P.; Jegapragash, V.; Rajeev, G.
2020Burnout Syndrome, Associated Factors and Coping Strategies of Jaffna Medical StudentsWeerasinghe, R. H. M.; Lakmali, J. M. D.; De Silva, B. H. K. G.; Kumar, R.
2012Factors affecting the early initiation of breastfeeding at birth in the Jaffna municipal council area.Kamalarupan, L.; Sivapalan, K.; Sivarajah, N.
2017Quality of life and its associated factors among aged living in Nallur Divisional Secretariat, Jaffna District, Sri LankaThanujanan, K.; Kamalarupan, L.; Thabotharan, D.; Coonghe, PAD
2019Knowledge on management of snake bites and factors influencing on it among nursing officers working in government hospitals in Jaffna DistrictAyinkaran, V.; Kamalarupan, L.; Coonghe, PAD; Ragupathy, A.
2018Factors influencing on quality of work life of the female nurses working in Teaching Hospital, JaffnaNandakumara, W.G.R.M.S.; Thabotharan, D.; Kamalarupan, L.; Coonghe, PAD
2018Quality of Life and its Selected determinants among elderly people living in Nallur Divisional Secretariat DivisionThanujanan, K.; Kamalarupan, L.; Thabotharan, D.; Coonghe, PAD
2019Factors influence the knowledge on pregnancy induced hypertension and its management among midwives in Jaffna DistrictMurali, S.; Kamalarupan, L.; Coonghe, PAD; Thabotharan, D.
2019Knowledge on prevention and management of postpartum hemorrhage and influence of socio demographic and work related factors on it among midwives in Jaffna DistrictNiveka, K.; Kamalarupan, L.; Coonghe, PAD
2019Knowledge and practices related to diet and its correlates among the Islamic heart disease patients attending to cardiology clinic, Teaching Hospital JaffnaYanuthy, U.; Coonghe, PAD; Guruparan, M.; Kamalarupan, L.
2019Factors effecting knowledge and practice regarding weight management through life style modification among overweight and obese type2 diabetes mellitus patients attending diabetic center at teaching hospital JaffnaPowsiga, U.; Coonghe, PAD; Aravinthan, M.; Kamalarupan, L.
2019Factors of influencing on quality of work–life of the nurses working in Teaching Hospital Jaffna,Sri LankaNandakumara, W.G.R.M.S.; Deivy, Thabotharan; Kamalarupan, L.; Coonghe, PAD
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 201 to 220 of 334