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Results 2641-2650 of 3498 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Kounis Syndrome and multiorgan failure following multiple wasp stingsPiratheepan, Navaradnam; Suganthan, N.; Kumanan, T.; Sujanitha, Vathulan; Uruthirapasupathi, Mayorathan
2020Factors associated with antihypertensive medication adherence among diabetic patients with coexisting hypertension in Teaching Hospital Jaffna, Northern Sri Lanka.Camilas, J.C.; Kumanan, T.; Ratnayake, R.M.U.K.B.; Rajeshkannan, N.
2018Biochemical and clinical correlates of microalbuminuria among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients attending the Diabetic Centre, Teaching Hospital JaffnaSubunca, R.; Senthuran, S.; Kumaran, S.; Aravinthan, M.; Coonghe, PAD
1995Clinical features and histological variations of benign breast lumps in patients admitted to the general hospital (Teaching) JaffnaAmbikaipakan, Sakunthaladevi; Pathmanathan, V.S.; Ganeshalingam, V.K.
2020An audit on blood pressure checking technique among pregnant mothersRaguraman, S.; Elankumaran, V.; Sivomiya, S.
2013-01MLSCF 4202- Clinical chemistry and Fluid AnalysisUniversity of Jaffna
2015-11Final examination medical degrees- 2015: Paediatrics paper IIUniversity of Jaffna
2021Knowledge, attitude, practice, anxiety and associated sociodemographic factors towards COVID-19 pandemic among selected categories of healthcare workers in base hospitals of Jaffna DistrictAsra, A.C.F.; Vithursana, S.; Thimothy, Y.; Haleema, N.M.N.; Rasnayake, R.M.S.R.K.; Murali, V.; Sivathas, S.
2018Prevalence of reduced visual acuity and its association with usage of digital devices among A/L students in the Jaffna Educational DivisionPerera, D.J.D.; Dharmawardhana, R.G.I.N.; Coonghe, PAD; Chandrakumar, S.T.S.; Kumar, R.
1989Effects of heroin addiction on serum cholesterol,triglyceride and protein levels and a study on AIDS susceptibility among the addictsSomasundram, N.P.; Mahesparan, R.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Balasubramaniam, K.