Gynecology & Obstetrics : [127] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 127
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Amelanocytic melanoma of the cervix : a case reportGuruparan, K.; Muhunthan, K.; Theeparupan, M.; Indranath, K.; Ranathunga, ND
2017Endometrial stromal nodule-paradox tumour : a case reportGuruparan, K.; Muhunthan, K.
2017Successful pregnancy outcome in a mother with Epstein’s anomaly and severe preeclampsiaMahendran, T.; Thuvarathipan, R.; Guruparan, K.; Muhunthan, K.
2017Harlequin ichthyosis: a case reportThuvarathipan, R.; Mahendran, T.; Guruparan, K.; Muhunthan, K.
2016Pelvic and Fetal Cranial Anatomy and the Stages and Mechanism of LabourMuhunthan, K.
2016Borderline ovarian tumour- a case reportThuvarathipan, R.; Mahendran, T.; Guruparan, K.; Muhunthan, K.
2016A Case of late single fetus demise in dichorionic diamniotic twin pregnancyThuvarathipan, R.; Mahendran, T.; Guruparan, K.; Muhunthan, K.
2016Knowledge on postnatal care among public health midwivesThuvarathipan, R.; Mahendran, T.; Guruparan, K.; Muhunthan, K.
2016Hematometra and fallopian tubal occlusion in uterine didelphys with unilateral cervical atresia in an adolescent girl- A case reportThanuya, M.; Thuvarathipan, R.; Guruparan, K.; Muhunthan, K.
2016Sertoli-leydig cell tumour - a rare androgen secreting ovarian tumour in a postmenopausal womanThuvarathipan, R.; Thanuya, M.; Guruparan, K.; Muhunthan, K.
2016Clinical audit on effect of staff education on intrapartum analgesic practiceGuruparan, K.; Muhunthan, K.; Coonghe, PAD
2008Study on tension free polypropylene midurethral sling for female urinary stress incontinenceGuruparan, K.; Premaratne, S.; Wijesundere, A.
2016Ethics in the Setting Up of Obstetric HDU and ICUMuhunthan, K.; Arulkumaran, S.
2015Why anaemia is a major anternatal problem in Jaffna? a study to assess the field midwives knowledge on the issueThuvarathipan, R.; Mahendran, T.; Guruparan, K.; Muhunthan, K.
2014Prevalence of Endometriosis among Sub Fertile WomenPushpakaknthan, E.J.; Thusyanthy, P.; Guruparan, K.; Saravanabhava, N.
2014A Case of Pregnancy in a Noncommunicating Rudimentary Horn with Unicornuate UterusPushpakaknthan, E.J.; Ethayarooban, I.; Saravanabhava, N.; Guruparan, K.
2007A Patient with glanzmann thrombasthenia recurrent deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism with pulmonary hypertension in a delivery suiteGuruparan, K.; Wijesundere, A.
2010A Surgical dilemma : ruptured mature cystic teratoma in advanced pregnancyGuruparan, K.; Sivakaran, Y.; Sritharan, A.
2015Fundal Height MeasurementMuhunthan, K.; Arulkumaran, S.
2015Fetal surveillance in labourHoththottuwa, Rohana; Muhunthan, K.; Arulkumaran, S.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 127