Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 281 to 300 of 337
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2015 | Biotechnology : a science for human welfare & development | Ganeshalingam, V.K. |
2015 | How should we do research? | Pathmeswaran, A. |
2015 | Prevalence, pattern and factors influencing betel chewing among bus drivers in district of jaffna | Suganja, Selvananthan; Sivatharsini, V.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Shivaganesh, S.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai |
2014 | Exploring new ways for protection of environment for health | Kumaran, S. |
2014 | Revitalizing primary health care | Coonghe, PAD |
2013 | Psychosocial well being & its influence on school performance of children from institutions and children live with parents | Thadshayini, Sivalingam; Priyanthy, Swarnaraj |
2013 | Prevalence of perceived stress & its influencing factors among staff of the urban banks in Northern Sri Lanka | Gajenthirav, Ramasamy; Jeyaraja, Vijayaratnam; Coonghe, PAD; Sivayogan, S.; Sivarajah, N. |
2013 | Prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea risk and related factors in public transport bus drivers in Jaffna, Sri Lanka | Gajalaksan, Balachandran; Sundaralingam, Lija; Coonghe, PAD; Thirumaran, B.; Sivarajah, N. |
2013 | Influence of pre-pregnant BMI and gestational weight gain on pregnancy outcomes in a teaching hospital of Northern Sri Lanka | Visagan, Sonthararajan; Joseph, S.A.; Coonghe, PAD; Muhunthan, K. |
2013 | Knowledge on menopausal related health problem and factors influencing on it among female nursing staff in teaching hospital Jaffna | Sivagnanasundarampillai, Dilanee |
2014 | The Role of computed tomography on upstaging of breast cancer in newly diagnosed asymptomatic breast cancer patients at teaching hospital, Jaffna. | Chrishanthi, R.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Thamayanthi, T.; Suvithra, P. |
2003 | Health related problems of water pollution in Jaffna | Sivarajah, N. |
2014 | Psycho social effects of suicide among the spouses six months after the event in Jaffna | Sivakajani, S.; Nirupana, P.; Sivayogan, S.; Kumaran, S. |
2013 | Preclinical departments in the model primary health care:A conceptual frame work | Kumaran, S. |
2013 | Factors affecting the early initiation of breastfeeding at birth in the Jaffna municipal council area | Kamalarupan, L.; Sivapalan, K.; Sivarajah, N.; Surenthirakumaran, R. |
2013 | Healthy village:A cost effective innovation | Surenthirakumaran, R. |
1994 | Undergraduate research in the university of Jaffna | Sivagnanasundram, C. |
2002 | Health care for northeast Sri Lanka reflections for the future | Sivarajah, N. |
2006 | Health & social welfare | Lukumar, P. |
1998 | A 10 year study of infant mortality in the community health project area of the Jaffna university | Nachchinarkinian, C.S.; Sivarajah, M. |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 281 to 300 of 337