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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 244
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Adherence to national guidelines in the acute phase management of patients with ST- elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) at Teaching Hospital JaffnaCamilas, J.C.; Sarangan, M.; Kumar, R.; Lakshman, P.; Coonghe, PAD
2018Knowledge on prevention of diabetic complication and its association with prevalence of complication and known risk factors among type 2 diabetes patients at Diabetic Centre, THJ.Jasliya, M.J.F.; Sahumila, A.M.F.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Aravinthan, M.
2018Prevalence and types of Osteoarthritis (OA) and associated sociodemographic and co-morbid factors among OA patients attending the Rheumatology Clinic Teaching Hospital, JaffnaAlexander, S.L.C.; Nettikumara, N.A.N.H.; Kumar, R.; Aravinthan, N.; Coonghe, PAD
2018Assess the nutritional status and influencing socio economic, demographic factors, duration of Chronic Kidney Disease and length of time on dialysis in Chronic Kidney Disease patients who are undergoing hemodialysis at hemodialysis unit in Teaching Hospital Jaffna.Rikkaz, M.K.M.; Ilyas, M.A.M.; Murali, V.; Weerakody, R.
2018Socio-demographic, physiological and lifestyle risk factors of hemorrhoids among patients with haemorrhoids at Teaching Hospital JaffnaSharmila, P.; Thivyabharathy, M.; Coonghe, PAD; Sarma, S.T.; Kumaran, S.
2018Prevalence of disease related factors among diabetic foot ulcer patients in surgical wards, Teaching Hospital,JaffnaHusna, M.H.F.; Husniya, M.A.F.; Kumaran, S.; Sarma, S.T.; Coonghe, PAD
2018Prevalence of microalbuminuria and associated socio demographic and disease- related risk factors among type 2 diabetic mellitus patients attending the Diabetic Centre, Teaching Hospital JaffnaSenthuran, S.; Subunca, R.; Kumaran, S.; Aravinthan, M.; Coonghe, PAD
2018Study on sociopsycological factors associated with diagnostic delay among pulmonary tuberculosis patients attending chest clinic pannaiJayarathne, S.A.S.D.; Lakshika, H.K.D.C.; Samarasekara, B.; Kumaran, S.; Coonghe, PAD
2018Pattern of urolithiasis among patients with urolithiasis at Teaching Hospital JaffnaPiriyanthy, T.; Sobika, S.; Kumar, R.; Ambalavanar, D.C.; Coonghe, PAD
2018The progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and the influence of selected factors on CKD progression among patients following the Nephrology Clinic, Teaching Hospital JaffnaAlex, U.A.; Thiluxsy, P.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Weerakkody, R.M.
2018A study of asthma control among patients attending medical clinic, Teaching Hospital JaffnaRavithas, K.; Mathuchuthanan, I.; Suganthan, N.; Kumaran, S.; Coonghe, PAD
2018Pattern of upper gastro intestinal cancer and its associated factors among upper gastrointestinal cancer patients admitted to Teaching Hospital Jaffna and Trail Cancer Hospital ThellipalaiThuvaragan, A.; Mathumai, K.; Sarma, S.T.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Kavitha, I.
2018The pattern of acute coronary syndrome and the association of known risk factors among post- acute coronary syndrome patients of 20 years or older attending the Cardiology Clinic, Teaching Hospital JaffnaKeerthinathan, N.; Peter, T.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Guruparan, M.
2018Effect of type 2 diabetic mellitus duration on blood glucose, serum creatinine and urinary microalbumin: a cross section study on patients attending Diabetic Centre, Teaching Hospital, JaffnaRuwanpathirana, R.P.E.; Kandeepan, K.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2018A descriptive study on the relationship between visceral Adiposity index and lipid Profile & CRP levels among non-diabetic hypertensive patients attending medical clinics, Teaching Hospital, JaffnaArulini, R.; Ann Abinaya, A.; Arulbavan, S.; Aravinthan, S.; Ahamed, A.F.; Amarasinghe, A.A.D.R.; Asna, N.F.; Damayanthi, J.S.; Farhana, M.K.S.; Majuri, S.; Daliya, N.K.F.; Amarasinghe, K.M.F.; Arunaa, S.; Atchuthai, S.; Babeitha, B.; Kandeepan, K.; Sivansuthan, S.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2018Study on psychological, socio-demographic and economic factors among the patients with common gynecological malignancies, attending the oncology clinic at Teaching Hospital Jaffna and Thellipalai Trail Cancer HospitalNawras, J.; Misraf, M.; Sivakanthan, S.; Nachinarkiniyan, C.S.
2018A descriptive study on the relationship between selected physiological parameters andvisceral adiposity index among non-diabetic hypertensive patientsattending medical clinics, Teaching Hospital, JaffnaGhobika, R.; Dilusha, K.; Dineshkumar, T.; Chandricca, A.; Dissanayake, D.M.C.N.; Safa, S.F.; Fernando, W.K.J.S.; Hassan, M.H.M.S.; Chinthana, V.D.N.I.; Galagoda, O.B.; Gamage, K.G.P.M.; Gowrisangar, K.; Harirhaam, Y.; Ihran, S.M.; Nuskiya, N.L.F.; Kandeepan, K.; Sivansuthan, S.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2018A study of inhaler technique and associated factors among asthma patients attending medical clinic Teaching Hospital JaffnaRavithas, K.; Mathuchuthanan, I.; Suganthan, N.; Kumaran, S.; Coonghe, PAD
2018Biochemical and clinical correlates of microalbuminuria among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients attending the Diabetic Centre, Teaching Hospital JaffnaSubunca, R.; Senthuran, S.; Kumaran, S.; Aravinthan, M.; Coonghe, PAD
2017Essentials of Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM)Kumanan, T.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 244