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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 281 to 300 of 458
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1994Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages from corn maltMahendran, S.; Ketheeswary, Nithiyanantharajah; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Balasubramaniam, K.
1994Production of lactic acid in natural and synthetic media by a Lactobacillus SP.Isolated from soured milkSenthuran, A.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Balasubramaniam, K.
1994Glucoamylase production from Aspergillus niger by solid state fermentationArasaratnam, Vasanthy; Ketheeswary, Nithiyanantharajah; Thayananthan, K.; Balasubramaniam, K.
1994Production of ethanol using strach in corn and rice flourArasaratnam, Vasanthy; Nithiyanantharajah, N.; Ketheeswary, Nithiyanantharajah; Sivaganeshan, K.; Balasubramaniam, K.
1994Optimization of culture conditions for production from Aspergillus niger by solid substrate fermentationVasanthe, Shanmuganathan; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Balasubramaniam, K.
1994Isolation of a yeast strain from toddy for cell recyclingSivaganeshan, K.; Mahendran, S.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Balasubramaniam, K.
1994Preliminary studies on α-amylase production in solid state fermentationTambyrajah, W.S.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Balasubramaniam, K.
1994Glucose concentration and inoculum size on citric acid production by Aspergillus sp M 2Navaratnam, P.; Mahendran, S.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Balasubramaniam, K.
1994Stimulation of citric acid production by methanol in Aspergillus SPNavaratnam, P.; Mahendran, S.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Balasubramaniam, K.
1994Comparison of the performance of Lactobacillus delbrecukii in fed-batch and repeated batch processesSenthuran, A.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Balasubramaniam, K.
1994Mutation and protoplast fusion of Cepharosporium eichhorniaeArasaratnam, Vasanthy; Namkul, Chuanpit Ek
1995Preliminary studies on the production and characterization of alpha amylase from Aspergillus oryzaeSutharshini, Carthikesu; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Balasubramaniam, K.
1995Optimization of a medium for Bacillus licheniformis 6346 to produce alpha-amylase by solid state fermentationTambyrajah, W.S.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Balasubramaniam, K.
1995Effect of Nitrogen supplementation on acid protease production by Aspergillus nigerSenthuran, Vasanthe; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Balasubramaniam, K.
1995Preliminary studies on large scale production of yeast cell massArasaratnam, Vasanthy; Senthuran, A.; Balasubramaniam, K.
1995Comparison of lactic acid production by commercially available and locally isolated strainsArasaratnam, Vasanthy; Senthuran, A.; Balasubramaniam, K.
1995Effect of different Nitrogen sources on citric acid production by Aspergillus SP CM1Navaratnam, P.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Balasubramaniam, K.
1995Solid state fermentation for citric acid production by Aspergillus SP UV2Navaratnam, P.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Balasubramaniam, K.
1995Continuous hydrolysis of starch and dextrinized starch by Amberlite Ira-904 immobilized AmyloglucosidaseBalakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Balasubramaniam, K.
1995Improved conditions for Aspergillus niger to produce glucoamylase in solid state cultureArasaratnam, Vasanthy; Ketheeswary, Nithiyanantharajah; Balasubramaniam, K.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 281 to 300 of 458