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dc.contributor.authorThiyahiny, S.N.-
dc.contributor.authorGajanthan, Raveendran-
dc.contributor.authorJanahan, Rathai-
dc.contributor.authorSujanitha, Vathulan-
dc.contributor.authorSivansuthan, Sivapalan-
dc.contributor.authorKesavan, Ratnasabapathipillai-
dc.identifier.citationJaffna Medical Journal, Vol.36, No.1, June 2024en_US
dc.publisherThe Jaffna Medical Associationen_US
dc.subjectLipid levelen_US
dc.subjectHDL cholesterolen_US
dc.subjectJaffna populationen_US
dc.subjectSouth Asiansen_US
dc.titleLipid levels of healthy adults in Jaffna district, Northern Province of Sri Lanka: An analysis of secondary dataen_US
dc.typeJournal full texten_US
Appears in Collections:Pharmacology

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