Anatomy : [55] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 55
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Large human fabella boneNiranjan, R.; Gobyshanger, T.
2025Anatomy Education in Sri Lanka. Do we need unclaimed bodies?Chenthuran, T.
2024Anatomical variations of the axillary artery and brachial plexus: Insights from a cadaveric studySharlini, J.; Mathavan, J.; Amhar, M.I.M.; Nisma, M.I.; Elamaran, T.; Najvi, H.M.; Udhayakumar, S.
2023Development of human pancreasNiranjan, R.
2023Innervation of the long head of triceps brachii by axillary nerve : case reportUdhayakumar, S.; Bhavan, S.; Dilojan, S.G.
2022Perceptions of medical students regarding the anatomy curriculum and its relevance to clinical activitiesUdhayakumar, S.; Jinthujan, S.; Visakapavan, G.
2022A cadaveric study on variation in branching pattern of common carotid arteryNiranjan, R.; Sharma, S T
2022Anatomical variations in the origin of the superior thyroid arteryNiranjan, R.
2021Morphological variations and morphometry of the papillary muscles of the mitral valve – a cadaveric studyUdhayakumar, S.; Yasawardene, S.G.
2021Donation of body for Anatomical Dissection in Sri Lanka: a reviewChenthuran, T.
2021A unique Anatomical variation of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle: a cadaveric case reportUdhayakumar, S.; Nilojan, J.S.; Ketheeswaran, N.; Srishankar, S.
2020Variation in the venous drainage of the risk kidney : a cadaveric case reportKetheeswaran, N.; Romini, N.; Chenthuran, T.
2020Compendium of vascular variations in the anterior cervical region and right upper limb – a case reportUdhayakumar, S.; Kalaiyukan, S.; Srishankar, S.
2019Anatomical variations of Femoral vesselsUdhayakumar, S.; Romini, N.
2018Anatomical variation of the lateral cord of brachial plexus and the median nerve – a case reportSohana, S.; Umayal, S.; Romini, N.; Sivananthini, U.
2018Kissing superior parathyroid glands - a case reportNiranjan, R.; Udhayakumar, S.; Yasawardene, S.G.
2017Anatomical variations of the vessels in the femoral triangle : case reportNiranjan, R.; Udhayakumar, S.
2016Relationship between Umbilical Cord and Anthropometric Measurements of term Newborns : a preliminary studyNiranjan, R.; Coonghe, PAD; Muhunthan, K.; Udhayakumar, S.
2015Aortic annular measurements in fresh post-mortem hearts: a study in Sri LankansUdhayakumar, S.; Yasawardene, S.G.
2014Variation in location of superior and inferior parathyroid glandsNiranjan, R.; Udhayakumar, S.; Yasawardene, S.G.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 55