Browsing by Author Nirantharakumar, Krishnarajah

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Generalisability of and lessons learned from a mixed-methods study conducted in three low- and middle-income countries to identify care pathways for atrial fibrillationGooden, Tiffany E.; Wang, Jingya; Carvalho Goulart, Alessandra; Antony Sheron, Vethanayagam; Kumarendran, B.; Nirantharakumar, Krishnarajah; Surenthirakumaran, R.
2023The impact of rate and rhythm control strategies on quality of life for patients with atrial fbrillation: a protocol for a systematic reviewPowsiga, Uruthirakumar; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Gooden, Tifany E.; Nirantharakumar, Krishnarajah; Kumarendran, B.; Kumaran, S.; Shribavan, K.; Antony Sheron, Vethanayagam; Guruparan, M.
2015Motivational interviews to improve contraceptive use in populations at high risk of unintended pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysisWilson, Amie ; Nirantharakumar, Krishnarajah; Truchanowicz, Ewa G.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; MacArthur, Christine ; Coomarasamy , Arri 
2021Polycystic ovary syndrome, combined oral contraceptives, and the Risk of Dysglycemia: a population-based cohort study with a nested pharmacoepidemiological case-control studyKumarendran, B.; O'Reilly, Michael W.; Subramanian, Anuradhaa; Šumilo, Dana; Toulis, Konstantinos; Gokhale, Krishna M.; Wijeratne, Chandrika N.; Coomarasamy, Arri; Tahrani, Abd A; Azoulay, Laurent; Arlt, Wiebke; Nirantharakumar, Krishnarajah
2022Prevalence of atrial fibrillation in Northern Sri Lanka: a study protocol for a cross-sectional household surveyShribavan, Kanesamoorthy; Antony Sheron, Vethanayagam; Uruthirakumar, Powsiga; Kodippily, Chamira; Kumarendran, B.; Gooden, Tiffany E.; Neil Thomas, Graham; Nirantharakumar, Krishnarajah; Guruparan, M.; Surenthirakumaran, R.