Browsing by Author Brammah, R.T.

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Bilateral nephrectomy as a rescue therapy for refractory hypertension in an end stage renal disease patient : brahmastra in hypertension management - a case reportBalagobi, B.; Niroshan, V.; Brammah, R.T.; Bavanthan, V.; Gowribahan, T.; Weerasinghe, N.
2022A descriptive study of urolithiasis in patients admitted to professorial surgical unit of Teaching Hospital, JaffnaBalagobi, B.; Niroshan, V.; Brammah, R.T.; Sripandurangana, R.
2024Evaluation of nutritional status, malnutrition risk and the associated factors among chronic kidney disease patients undergoing haemodialysis at the Haemodialysis Unit at Teaching Hospital, JaffnaBrammah, R.T.; Nawarathna, D. U. D. G; Harishchandra, D. T. S. T.; Jayasinghe, S. P.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2024Factors affecting the Phase I academic performance of undergraduate students in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna.Balagobi, B.; Sharma, S.T.; Sanchayan, S.; Gobishangar, S.; Brammah, R.T.; Raguraman, S.; Kumaran, S.; Vishnuja, S.; Hamsha, T.
2024Factors affecting the Phase I academic performance of undergraduate students in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna.Balagobi, B.; Sharma, S.T.; Sanchayan, S.; Gobishangar, S.; Brammah, R.T.; Raguraman, S.; Kumaran, S.; Vishnuja, S.; Hamsha, T.
2024Health-related-out-of-pocket expenditures, their distribution and determinants among patients undergoing dialysis at Teaching Hospital JaffnaKrishanth, M.; Kanisdija, K.; Devindani, T.K.S.; Sankalpana, H.; Azhar, A.; Kumar, R.; Brammah, R.T.
2023Histological patterns of renal biopsies at Teaching Hospital, Jaffna: A retrospective analysisBrammah, R.T.; Thabitha, T.; Banuja, R.; Thuvaraka, V.; Thadshajini, K.; Vinoshanth, M.; Dinoya, P.; Pirashanth, K.
2024Late Onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Manifests As Lupus Nephritis, A Rare PresentationPakeerathan, A.; Sujanitha, Vathulan; Selvaratnam, G.; Pradeepan, J.A.; Brammah, R.T.
2023Prostatitis: current perspective on diagnosis and managementBalagobi, B.; Sarma, S.T.; Gobishangar, S.; Brammah, R.T.; Jenil, A.A.; Gobinath, S.; Sankeetha, U.; Anushika, S.
2023Retrospective study of biopsy-proven diabetic kidney disease among patients at Teaching Hospital, JaffnaBrammah, R.T.; Dinoya, P.; Pirashanth, K.; Thabitha, T.; Banuja, R.; Thuvaraka, V.; Thadshajini, K.; Vinoshanth, M.
2022Surgically managed acute Page kidney following renal biopsy- a case reportNiroshan, V.; Balagobi, B.; Brammah, R.T.; Weerasinghe, N.; Gowribahan, T.
2022Urolithiasis: a descriptive study in a single urological unit at a tertiary care hospitalBalagobi, B.; Brammah, R.T.; Niroshan, V.; Gobishangar, S.; Sripandurangana, R.
2022A young patient with prostatic carcinoma with testicular metastasisBalagobi, B.; Gobishangar, S.; Sarma, S.T.; Brammah, R.T.; Jenil, A.