Browsing by Document Type Case report(poster)
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2016 | Borderline ovarian tumour- a case report | Thuvarathipan, R.; Mahendran, T.; Guruparan, K.; Muhunthan, K. |
2016 | A Case of late single fetus demise in dichorionic diamniotic twin pregnancy | Thuvarathipan, R.; Mahendran, T.; Guruparan, K.; Muhunthan, K. |
2014 | A Case of Pregnancy in a Noncommunicating Rudimentary Horn with Unicornuate Uterus | Pushpakaknthan, E.J.; Ethayarooban, I.; Saravanabhava, N.; Guruparan, K. |
2015 | Do we still believe that earth is flat – an experience of vaginal birth of the primi mothers with breech presentation | Guruparan, Krishnapillai; Ratnasiri, U.D.P.; Gamage, R.; Jayawardena, G.R.M.U.G.P.; Lambiyas, L.Y. |
2017 | Harlequin ichthyosis: a case report | Thuvarathipan, R.; Mahendran, T.; Guruparan, K.; Muhunthan, K. |
2016 | Hematometra and fallopian tubal occlusion in uterine didelphys with unilateral cervical atresia in an adolescent girl- A case report | Thanuya, M.; Thuvarathipan, R.; Guruparan, K.; Muhunthan, K. |
2007 | A Patient with glanzmann thrombasthenia recurrent deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism with pulmonary hypertension in a delivery suite | Guruparan, K.; Wijesundere, A. |
2017 | Successful pregnancy outcome in a mother with Epstein’s anomaly and severe preeclampsia | Mahendran, T.; Thuvarathipan, R.; Guruparan, K.; Muhunthan, K. |